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Made with over 36 ingredients, almost all human grade, treat your rats to a more satisfying and varied diet. This includes Oxbow Adult Rat lab block, fortified seeds, and salmon and whitefish dog food for all of the vitamins and minerals your mischief needs. Whole wheat, whole oats, brown lentils, split peas, hulled barley, sweet potatoes, carrots, granola, fortified cereals, dried cranberries, red lentil pasta, flax, Black Maize, Dari, Safflower, Peas, Toasted Soy Beans, Vitamin-Mineral Pellet (Soya, Maize, Carrots, Peas, Beans, Cereal Fibers, Berries (Cranberry, Elderberry) Minerals, Vegetable Oil, M.O.S, Marigold, Lecithin, Grape Seed, Milo, Peeled Oats, Peeled Barley, Mung Beans, Peeled Sunflower, Rapeseed, Maria Thristle Seed, Canary Seed, Yellow Millet, Buckwheat, Whole Unsalted Peanuts, and freeze dried mealworms.


Select the option to add krill to your bag for extra health benefits!

Rat Food Mix (Shunamite with optional krill) - 3lb

3 Pounds
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